Friday, May 27, 2011

Minecraft patch 1.6 out today!

The 1.6 patch actually came out today, what a lovely suprise! When I wrote about it just a few days ago we didn't even have an estimated release date, and now it's suddently staring us in the face. You can read the post here if you want to know more about the patch, but I also took the liberty of copying the patch notes for you to look at. If you want to see all the bug fixes you can find them here. There is ALOT of them!

New features:

+ Added Nether support to multiplayer
+ The client will ask if the current login is valid. If the server says “no”, a warning message appears in the client. You can still play the game even if this happens.
+ Added craftable maps

+ Added tall grass in some biomes
+ Mushrooms now spreads (very) slowly
+ Added server property view-distance. Sets the radius of terrain updates (in chunks) to send to the players. Range 3-15, default 10.
+ Added dead shrubs in deserts
+ Added allow-nether (set to true or false) in
+ Blocks destroyed by other players in multiplayer now shows the breaking block particle effect
+ Doors make sound for other players in multiplayer
+ The record player now supports more than 15 different songs (you can’t get the records yet, though)

+ Added hatches

+ Activated dispensers make sounds and trigger particles in multiplayer
+ Players stuck in walls will slide towards the nearest gap if there is one


* Disabled Advanced OpenGL until we can fix some bugs with it
* It’s no longer possible to build solid blocks on the top layer of the maps (sorry!)
* Made booster tracks speedier
* Severely nerfed fire so it spread slower, and doesn’t spread infinitely
* Seeds are now found in tall grass, using a hoe on the ground no longer works
* Compressed network traffic more agressively
* Blocks that don’t change appearance when the data changes don’t send block updates when their data changes now
* Arrows shot by players can now be picked up by all players
* Nothing riding anything or being ridden by anything can enter portals

1 comment:

  1. SV: Ja, ble skikkelig glad da jeg åpnet esken og så hvor fine de faktisk er.. Ikke minst da jeg tok dem på :) Well spent 250 kroner.


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