Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Playstation news

Some psp blockbuster games is getting an HD facelift. The games will be customized and developed specifically for the ps3 and will become available as blu-ray games. You will be able to share the same save data on both the psp version of the game and the ps3 remastered version. That means you can play the game at home on your ps3 and then continue where you left of on the go with your psp. Some games will get 3D and add-on content. The first one's will of course come out in the japanese marked, and it has been announced that the first title will be Monster hunter portable 3.

Then a quick update relating the PSN: Sony has stated that they have had no reports of customer identity theft
since the hack last month, but it has cost them over 171 million dollars.

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